However, in the bigger picture the not so average very wealthy tax payer will see a greater and more permanent reduction in taxes. Where is the justice in the Republican tax reform? The stale Republican answer is the trickle down effect from the very wealthy paying less taxes will greatly benefit the masses by creating more high paying jobs. The evidence concerning the validity of this economic theory has been lacking for the past 30 years. What about trying a trickle up effect?
Walberg states on his web site that he favors giving individuals the same tax treatment as corporations when they purchase health insurance. The Tax Reform legislation that Walberg approved in 2017 actually increased the disparity by raising the threshold for deducting medical expenses. I do give Walberg credit for mentioning the disparity that those who pay for health insurance with after tax dollars face. I will put a qualifier on the recommendation I make at the end of this article if Walberg's opponent Gretchen Driskell does not make a similar statement that those who self pay for health insurance with after tax dollars should be able to fully subtract the expense from gross income before calculating federal income tax.
Walberg and the Republican controlled House of Representatives voted in 2017 to gut the pre-existing protection offered by Obamacare and replace it with something that would be unaffordable.
It is projected that in the long run the average taxpayer will end up
paying more taxes. Government services will be reduced and the
federal government will take on a lot more debt. There will be no
justice for the average tax payer.